Notaría de Blas, committed to quality training
Notaría de Blas collaborates, as every year, with the University of Barcelona and led by Dr. Carlos Villagrasa Alcaide and Dra. Rosa M.Satorras Fioretti, it will participate in the future edition of the Postgraduate Course in Catalan Civil Law at the University of Barcelona.
The notary Antonio Díez de Blas will discuss one of the most important topics for anyone who is concerned about the fate of his assets after his death: the will. Forms, practical aspects in its granting, effectiveness and revocation.
The appointment: next November 28, presentation under the title: “Testated succession: practical aspects of the testamentary and effective testament”.
As always, for many years the connection of Notaria de Blas with teaching and training leads us to participate in university and professional forums to contribute something of what we have learned during more than 15 years practicing the profession of Notary.